Enjoy it more than you enjoy existing without it. This is the secret. No one can make you successful. Only you. Your mind is the enemy of change. Your mind is the source of habit and addiction. You are not your thoughts. Stop owning limitations. Let it go. Become serious about that thing you envy in others. It’s simply repetition. Repeat the right things over and over and over. The time is now.
Best Effort.
This is where I want to be. This is what you want, this is what you get.
To wish for nothing more than being right where you are, doing that which you are doing, is to achieve bliss.
Automaticity replaces choice.
To expect the reward from recurring repetition is enough to make modern life worth living. Forget the questions of Can I or Should I. Just do it. Follow-through is a confidence builder.
Prioritization pleases the soul.
You can’t fool the soul. Desire has set you on the path, searching and seeking those moments that bring pleasure, and give purpose. Keep the main thing at the top.
If it means so much to you, enough to attach emotion and assign judgment to it, why do you fail to protect it?
Rhythms of the body: sleep, sustenance, stress, recovery (what you do when it’s over) are pivotal components oft-forgotten in the analysis of performance.
Desire the definition of competence.
Toil mightily in the aloneness of your preparation, as through participation only may the consequence of your action(s) be that of competence in the act of life.
Learn to shut it down. All of it. The mind. The body. The expectation. The desire.
Training requires output. To effectively recover from this effort requires as much discipline as doing the training. Balance the equation. Let the process unfold.
You are fortunate to live in a place of choice. Choose to act according to the whims of your will, on this path you lead, in the present moment.
Life is a gift. Look, both outward and inwardly, at yourself. Understand what you believe to be true. Ask the hard questions. Confront the why, now. Upon analysis of why you are where you are, the right action will follow. No rushing. Be here, now, as long as necessary.