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Performance Enhancement Specialist (PES)


More than just athletics… mental, physical, family, career, and life.

In 2009 I became a performance enhancement specialist (PES). Obtaining this certification required numerous hours of studying training methodology and protocols for many different sports and athletic pursuits. The application of this specialization, while initially very limited in scope, has grown to apply to the many facets of a successful life.


Performance is largely a state of mind. Preparing for, and then giving your best day in and day out. Training performance requires attaching belief and importance or priority to your physical training. Through the process of becoming more capable, you obtain quiet confidence in your ability. This achievement is cemented into your psyche through daily practice and engagement. Confidence in the self is felt down to your core being, affecting all areas of your life. It is felt by you, as well as those you interact with.


Feeling your best requires giving your best. Being sound in the body promotes a sound mind and fosters a deep, loving soul.


It is my hope that you see for yourself the benefits of increased performance. As your (PES) we will work diligently to make this felt in all areas of your life. Performance Enhancement will rise to the top of your list of goals. Join me in the process and feel the achievement that commitment grants!


  • Increased energy and focus.

  • Increased stamina and endurance.

  • A concrete process leading to goal attainment.

  • Image enhancement and bodily transformation through the daily process.

  • Enhanced athletic ability via sport-specific training modalities.

  • Mindset mastery techniques.

  • The EDGE. Tools of mastery.

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