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Stay the Course...

Writer's picture: Jake LawrenceJake Lawrence We grow when challenged. Now, more than ever, it is easy to avoid uncomfortable situations. Social, physical, mental, environmental... they can all become non-existent in our lives. Days turn into weeks turn into months turn into years, they hurry by you. Recognizing a challenge and engaging whole-heartedly without fear of failure, or expectation of success is a trainable skill. Approaching your challenge with a personal, meaningful mantra and reason is paramount. I can't create your why or reason for you. Spend time in your own head each morning. Rise a little early. Break the routine just a little. Journal. Think. Grow. Be accountable.

Epithets for the self:  Upright. Modest. Straightforward. Sane. Cooperative. Marcus Aurelius Pick your two words. You know you’re going into a tough assignment—say to yourself over and over again, “strength and courage.” You’re about to have a tough conversation with a significant other: “patience and kindness.” You’re about to lead a team of people, and you’re uncertain of your own ability: “calm and composed.” via Daily Stoic
-Let a man not be corrupted by external things-Let him be unconquerable and admire only himself-Let him be courageous in spirit and ready for any fate-Let him be the molder of his own life-Let not his confidence be without knowledge, nor his knowledge without firmness-Let his decisions once made abide-Let not his decrees be altered by any alteration-Let him be poised and well-ordered-Let him show majesty mingled with courtesy in all his actions Seneca Be honest. Follow through. Recognize that we often quit at 40% ... think about that... you've got 60% left to give, it's there, just waiting to be exposed. Whether training or competing you need to wire your mind to dig deep into the well of effort. This is why you do the uncomfortable, repeatedly. Training is just that. It's practice. Don't judge practice. You are your toughest critic. Running 100+ miles in 24 hours is a practice of commitment and self-care. Over and over again you are asking yourself to keep moving for no other reason than a personal commitment. No fame, no glory, no money, nothing but completion of the short journey that is endurance sports. Value your time and you can create an existence for yourself that will bring you pride and joy. Do it for yourself. Do it for your family. Do it for your soul. Don't do it for the selfies and likes you may receive. It's not a reliable source of validation. Accept how much personal power you have. Once realized it may overwhelm you. Move forward and look ahead. The future is now and the path is in front of you. I applaud your decision to use the sharp knife and make a clean cut on a new future.

Onward and Upward.

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