Movement / Nutrition / Longevity / Performance

Movement: strength / endurance / mobility / flexibility / ability
Nutrition: sustenance / hydration / health / ethics / participation
Longevity: aging / lifespan / opportunity / experiences / health
Performance: athletic / career / professional / skill / specificity
Lifestyle is a self-defined representation of your fitness, that manifests as your ability to do that which your mind and soul crave/desire.
Fitness is an expression of lifestyle.
Appearance is a consequence of fitness.
Fitness is a product of skill.
Repetition is the mother of skill.
Intentional Repetition is the paramount action forward.
That which we repeatedly do, we become. Therefore, intetional action directs outcome. Awareness is often the missing element. Becoming interested in each element of the lived experience offers the opportunity to direct the experience.
Self-expression. Choose how and for what you want to move through your lifetime. Lifestyle is a choice. When you've cultivated and curated a vessel (body) you are proud of, your view/association with apparel/clothing/outfit changes. Investment of time, energy, and resources to discover your potential is a unique journey. Most will not care to be this aware of, and accountable, to choice. Discipline is often talked about as a trait in others' success, yet it is a part of every choice that awaits. A lifestyle undefined is a product left to fate. You don't want to risk that. There is a process to the fitness and lifestyle path. Knowledge of cause and effect, followed by the discipline to be accountable to and responsible for your actions, is the primary requirement.
Time is a finite resource. By not making a choice you've made a choice. The effect of today's action (the cause), is a continual expression. To express/say/tell about your intention, or philosophy means nothing without action. Thus, the importance of lifestyle choice to owning the lived experience.
An activity is often associated with lifestyle. I caution against taking this approach as removal of activity, by injury, environment, or any means, subsequently leaves you without an identity. I've seen lifetimes lost via this process. The gap can be filled by fitness, physicality, or any form of artistic expression. Make it a part of who you are, not the defining element of your life.
Simplicity. A new path can be ripe with confusion. Decision fatigue has been the bane of many otherwise successful weeks. Information will never slow and your vulnerability to it will keep increasing alongside technology. thus a path must be defined and accountability kept.
Understand. It's OK to care. Truly, your vision for yourself need not align with an advertisement/marketing message. The backstory of success supposes a perfect alignment of circumstances. Never will they present themselves. You must own you (the product). Self-define. Decide. Do. Move with purpose. Flex your head. Understand it's up to you.
Attitude. Think up. All positivity is up. Action is up. Use it to define and refine your image. Mentality decides personality. Attitude. Action. Acceleration. The next rep is the unknown. The next mile is the unknown. See it. Study it. Do it. Make the unknown known by aggressive, directed action. Think forward. Think opportunity. Think growth.
Longevity. Hope and compassion foster a potential for duration. to live long we must live for. A growth mindset is non-negotiable. Anger, pain, and fear are not on this path. Stress and tension, in the absence of exertion, are not on it. An opportunistic attitude propagating positivity is on the path. Positivity feels and looks like potential.
Simplicity. We arrive at simplicity from years of trial and error. Accumulation of ideas, activities, hobbies, and the possessions that follow, leaves a path of clutter in their wake. We belong to this clutter, as it lives with us. When we move it moves. When we move on it sits idle, residing in a space where simplicity could expand. Eliminate. Excellence demands a narrowed focus. Gadgetry and possessions move us further from simplicity. To improve the self all actions must be assessed. Where do the arrows point? Back at you. The center is always you. The satisfaction of possession is fleeting and draining.
Accumulation is complexity.
Understand what is actually needed.
Cut away the excess.
Keep eliminating until what remains is you.
Know yourself better than any topic.
Form/reform your lifestyle on a daily basis.
Cause and effect. Fitness. Style. Image. Presence. Persona.