Warm-Up: 4 rounds KB Complex x 6 reps
L-Arm Swing
R-Arm Swing
L-Arm Clean
R-Arm Clean
L-Leg DL
R-Leg DL Work: 10 rds
2 x KB Front Squat @88kg
2 x Split Jump Work2: 6 rds
5 x Scottie Bobs @ 30# DB's
5 x Horizontal Ring Pulls
:30 Airdyne (arms only) Finish: 4 rds -- Core
15 x Plate Sit-Ups @ 25#
15 x Side Plank Lifts
15 x Floor Back Extension Comments: Great workout. Challenging, but extremely effective strength training for the endurance athlete. 45 minutes in duration. No fixed rest. Constant flow. Focus on breathing and full ROM on exercises.